Monday, May 13, 2019


Vero Beach Boardwalk and breakfast at Mulligans

Getting to know you

Getting to know all about you

Getting to like you 

Getting to hope you like me

Since we left West Palm and headed north we have traveled all the same waters we traveled on the way south. We stopped in one different anchorage (Peck Lake). 

Sunset Peck Lake

We thoroughly enjoyed Vero Beach this time around. It has earned the nickname “Velcro Beach”. We think we understand why!!

After talking with several other liveaboards here in Vero Beach we decided to give Obsession what is lovingly called a “Spa Day”. A plug in dockside to perk up the batteries, and a chance to fill up water tanks, pump out the heads and maybe even a little scrubbing. We chose the days based on the weather-it was supposed to rain hard and blow on Good Friday. 

The Nina and Pinta

So we took a slip right next to the Nina and Pinta. A little schmoozing with other cruisers, and an evening chat with the crew of the Nina and Pinta, then a movie on board were some of the highlights of our time dockside. 

. James took on Mr. Manatees burger challenge.

The free buses in Vero make it easy to get around. We enjoyed a late breakfast/lunch after a leisurely walk along the boardwalk on the Oceanside, and another day we poked into a few shops. 

 The day before Easter we enjoyed an evening of music at a church within walking distance of the marina, and returned to the boat for one of the most gorgeous nights of our stay here. 

A nice breeze, hardly any bugs and a chance meeting of another ICW traveling couple that we have crossed paths with since October and never met in person. 

Janet Roessler-NOT Janice Roehr

After an emergency trip for some dental work, we prepared to leave Obsession Vero Beach for a week or so while we drove a rented SUV back home to put our condo back in order for a new renter.

ZIN traveled with us back to Fall River in our 
rented Dodge Journey

 We arranged our visit home  to coincide with the implosion of the Cooling Towers at the coal plant across the river. 

There was talk that our condos will increase in value the minute they were imploded. So, it got us thinking. 

We really do like itin Vero Beach. Could we get to like the winters here, and the summers in Newport? Could we sell our condo, buy one in Vero, keep Obsession in Newport for summers aboard, and make FL our home of record?   

A condo unit that’s for sale in Vero Beach, on the water, corner unit, $159,000.

Our road trip included a drive over/through the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel,

 a ride on the Lewes/Cape May Ferry across Delaware Bay

and a scenic drive (with no trucks) across the Garden State  Parkway. I know I complain about NJ a lot, but this one they got right-give the trucks their own highway! We cleaned out the storage area, moved furniture back home, enjoyed the implosion party at The Landing, visited some of our favorite restaurants, saw some friends and relatives, and lastly spent 3 nights home, in our own bed, in our lovely condo that we really DO like. We talked a lot about what improvements we’d make when we return home. 

We hopped back into the car, and headed south with plans to visit Kenny and Rachel in NC. 

The Kentucky Derby (what a fiasco) and Prom Night were on our agenda.  Then on to Atlanta where Eva opened up her home to us for a night after a delicious and fun dinner of catching up on news. 

We had the rental car for a few more days in Vero which allowed us to re-provision Obsession and enjoy a few nights with Debbie and Mike from Catalina 42 “Resolve” and Loree and Bill from Sea Wolf. 

The friends we have met on this trip will always hold a special place in our hearts. 

Getting to know you 

Putting it my way 

But nicely 

You are precisely 

My cup of tea. 

Obsession in Vero Beach
May 8, 2019