Sunday, August 14, 2011

Promised pictures and more!

Baileigh's new back to school back pack.

Chandler Cove - not very protected from the SW.  so - on to Great Diamond Island instead

Islands, Islands and more islands.  Lower left - Jewel Island - what a lovely place.  More in a later blog about it and my hike around the Island.  Upper left - Great Diamond Island.  Beautiful place.  Both places merit the "return visit" merit badge.
The docks at Diamond Cove.  These slips stayed empty all night.  Someone on the island told me that George Bush Sr. sometimes shows up in his fast boat and goes ashore to dinner at the Diamond's Edge Restaurant.  I had hoped they were saving the slips for him and his entourage, but I guess it wasn't to be.  In the future all we need to do is call ahead and make a reservation at the restaurant and we can stay dockside for free.  Next year.
Looking north through the gut at Diamond Island.  What a gorgeous day it was!

This ferry, and others like it, shuttle people all around the islands.  

At Diamond Cove they have renovated the WWII barracks and officers houses and other buildings to use as the restaurant, general store, condos, townhouses and private homes.  They even took a section of the Parade and put in a pool, and spa.  This looks to us like an ammo bunker that was built right into the hillside that has been sandblasted, and renovated to a private home.

Need I say more?

A perfect place for a Cuttyhunk-like cook-out at Jewel Island

An even better place for a cookout!

No wonder it's called Jewel Island - the water sparkled like diamonds on this gorgeous Friday afternoon.

Sky watching - and also wishing the TV antenna worked a little better. As well as the mast head fly and wind speed meter.  Too bad I won't hoist David up the mast unless there's someone else with me.  

This is how close the spit of land/rocks were to us at low tide.  At high tide they weren't even visible.

Yes, we added to the economy in Freetown - maybe we should have take their advice and had it all shipped home for FREE!

Floating Seaweed Islands

More Floating Seaweed Islands

Lobster Boat all cleaned up and out on Sunday with the WHOLE family and more.

Yes - lobster for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert - and a wall decoration.

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