Entrance to Cuttyhunk at an unusually high tide. As kids Christen and Robert "planted" a lobster pot that was dragged into the inner harbor by a large sailboat. We enjoyed lobsters for dinner that night and a few more weekends to come that summer.
This is the "Lagoon Pond Bascule Bridge" that we had to ask the Laggon Pond Bridge Tender to open for us to enter the Lagoon in Vineyard Haven to meet up with Tink, Kenny and Rosa. There was only about 4 feet on either side of us as we went through - had to stay to the left so our mast wouldn't hit the bridge that doesn't open competely vertical. On a later visit the bridge wasn't working. Our friend, Steve Myrick tells us this is a 13 million dollar "Temporary" bridge!!!!
Cuttyhunk Parade - 4th of July. All the golfcarts in town are decorated for the holiday. Many of the riders throw candy - the parade takes all of 5 minutes so they run the route twice. The finale is the fire truck spewing water, making everyone shout with glee and run the other way. No pictures of that - didn't want to get my iphone wet!!!!
Mariah and Bob's boat - "Spray". Bob is hard at work hauling the anchor. They were Rob's ride home on July 5.
I'm no photographer, but if I do say so myself, this is a great picture of the bluffs. I love the different colors and shading. Maybe this is what my first Torn Paper Painting will be?!
Gay Head Lighthouse. Again - I love my iPhone. It takes great pictures. We don't get out here very often, but when we do, I can't help but marvel at the beautiful panoramic view.
View from the bus ride to Edgartown. Looking out of Nantucket Sound. Where JAWS was filmed. I never really realized how long and beautiful this beach is. We never came to the beach - sand - UGH. But the other day it was crowded. Colorful umbrellas and colorful bathing suits!!!
Rob, David and me - all dressed up in blue and white (what happened to the red?) for the 4th in Cuttyhunk.
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