We'll put out to sea and we'll perfect our chemistry
And by and by we'll defy a little bit of gravity
Afternoon delight, cocktails and moonlit nights
That dreamy look in your eye, give me a tropical contact high
Way down in Kokomo
A good bye lunch at Hogs Breath Saloon. A MUST here in Key West.
It has either rained, been cloudy or blown like stink for two weeks!!!
A storm front moving toward us just as we sat down to Happy Hour at Alonzo’s.
Big waves in Garrison Bight Mooring Field.
We are happy to be safe on a mooring in Garrison Bight, but we are not very protected from the Northerly Winds.
These are our “traveling clothes” hanging on a makeshift clothesline in the cockpit. They are a bit damp, salty and crusty, and haven’t been washed in warm soapy water in 2 weeks, but they are perfect cover for that long, wet dinghy ride in to shore.
The showers ashore are warm and clean, the walk into “town” is about a mile, the food and drink is fairly cheap (during happy hour) and we’ve enjoyed the company and hospitality of my Cousin George and Marge Webster.
We have pumped so much fresh rain water out of OCD we have often wondered about saving it to rinse our clothes and do dishes.
Our “Kokomo” has not fully lived up to our expectations. But we have still had a great time and truth be told, had a chance to relax and take things slow. Here are a few of our favorite stops so far.
Want a ride? Take your pick...
Sunset Pier. Another tourist “MUST”
With a spectacular sunset. .
Rum tasting and Oyster offerings.
Turquoise water
Rolled ice cream.
And remembering special people in our lives.
The morning after “the big blow.